Projecting the Contents of Files on a
Memory Device
This section explains how to perform the following operations.
How to use EZ-Converter FA computer software to convert PowerPoint files to files that can be
played back with the Data Projector’s Viewer function.
How to project the contents of files stored on a memory devices with the Data Projector’s Viewer
Viewer is one of the Data Projector’s built-in applications. It lets you play back and project the
contents of files from a memory device connected to the Data Projector.
EZ-Converter FA is computer software for converting PowerPoint files to ECA files that can be played
back and projected by the Data Projector. EZ-Converter FA supports conversion of file created with
Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003 and 2007. Save for certain exceptions (described below), playback
and projection of an ECA file normally should be able to reproduce transitions, animations, and other
special effects of the original PowerPoint file.
Conversion of OLE objects (movies, audio, etc.) and VBA objects in a PowerPoint file is not
Conversion of timer and repeat operations in a PowerPoint file animation are not supported.
Animation length is limited by the setting you configure under “To specify the maximum animation
display time” (page 16). If a PowerPoint file has an animation that is longer, the conversion process
will convert only up to the currently specified maximum animation display time and then advance to
the next step.
Pauses are limited to three seconds. If a PowerPoint file has a pause that is longer, the conversion
process will allow three seconds and then advance to the next step.
In order to perform the procedures in this section, you will first need to install the EZ-Converter
FA software from the CD-ROM that comes with the Data Projector onto your computer. For
more information, see “Installing the Software” (page 8).
Using EZ-Converter FA to Convert PowerPoint Files
to ECA Files