Cisco Systems ASA 5520 Network Router User Manual

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Cisco ASA 5500 Series Configuration Guide using ASDM
Chapter 63 Configuring the ASA CX Module
Troubleshooting the ASA CX Module
O - outbound data, P - inside back connection, p - Phone-proxy TFTP connection,
q - SQL*Net data, R - outside acknowledged FIN,
R - UDP SUNRPC, r - inside acknowledged FIN, S - awaiting inside SYN,
s - awaiting outside SYN, T - SIP, t - SIP transient, U - up,
V - VPN orphan, W - WAAS,
X - inspected by service module
TCP outside inside, idle 0:00:10, bytes 79174, flags
Capturing Module Traffic
To configure and view packet captures for the ASA CX module, enter one of the following commands:
Note Captured packets contain an additional AFBP header that your PCAP viewer might not understand; be
sure to use the appropriate plugin to view these packets.
Troubleshooting the ASA CX Module
General Recovery Procedures, page 63-17
Problems with the Authentication Proxy, page 63-19
General Recovery Procedures
This section includes procedures that help you recover or troubleshoot the module and includes the
following topics:
Resetting the Password, page 63-18
Reloading or Resetting the Module, page 63-19
Shutting Down the Module, page 63-19
Note You can install or upgrade your image from within the ASA CX module. See the ASA CX module
documentaiton for more information.
Command Purpose
capture name interface asa_dataplane
Captures packets between ASA CX module and the ASA on the
copy capture
Copies the capture file to a server.
show capture
Shows the capture at the ASA console.