Configuring and Managing External Modems
Managing Telnet Sessions
Cisco IOS Dial Technologies Configuration Guide
Suspending Telnet Sessions:
When you are connected to an external modem, the direct Telnet session must be terminated before the
line can accept incoming calls. If you do not terminate the session, it will be indicated in the output of
the show users command and will return a modem state of ready if the line is still in use. If the line is
no longer in use, the output of the show line value command will return a state of idle. Terminating the
Telnet session requires first suspending it, then disconnecting it.
To suspend a Telnet session, perform the following steps:
Step 1 Enter Ctrl-Shift-6 x to suspend the Telnet session:
- suspend keystroke -
Note Ensure that you can reliably issue the escape sequence to suspend a Telnet session. Some
terminal emulation packages have difficulty sending the Ctrl-Shift-6 x sequence. Refer to
your terminal emulation documentation for more information about escape sequences.
Step 2 Enter the where EXEC command to check the connection numbers of open sessions:
Router# where
Conn Host Address Byte Idle Conn Name
* 1 0 0
2 0 12 modem2
Step 3 When you have suspended a session with one modem, you can connect to another modem and suspend it:
Router# telnet modem2
Trying modem2 (, 2002) ... Open
- suspend keystroke -
Step 4 To disconnect (completely close) a Telnet session, enter the disconnect EXEC command:
Router# disconnect line 1
Closing connection to [confirm] y
Router# disconnect line 2
Closing connection to [confirm] y