Citizen Systems CBM-730 Printer User Manual

CBM-710/720/730/750 User’s Manual
(8) Initial Set Command
D8 D1
00010001 DC1(11)H
The controller is initialized by this command and the following conditions are established.
* Internal input buffer cleared
* Normal character mode selected
* Black color print mode selected
* Skip designation cancelled
* Page length set to 66 lines
* Line feed pitch set to 219 inch (graphic type only)
(9) Inverted character command
D8 D1
00010010 DC2(12)H
This command specifies inverted characters. By entering this command at the beginning of print data and then
sending the data to the controller, all of the following characters will be printed upside down. This command remains
valid until, either it is entered again or the initial set command is entered.
(10) Buzzer Command
D8 D1
00000111 BEL(07)H
Command to activate the alarm buzzer for 0.3 second period.