1.44 MB (3.5”) Floppy Disk Drive
Latching Mechanism (facilitates easy hood removal)
24x Max CD-ROM (with easy front ejection removal)
Front LED's (show server status)
Unit Identification button and LED (for easy in rack server identification)
Six 1" Wide Ultra3 SCSI Hot Plug Hard Drives OR Five 1" Hot Plug Hard
Drive and one AIT or 20/40-GB DAT Hot Plug Tape Drive
2U Form Factor
What's New
What's NewWhat's New
What's New
New DC Power Supply for the DL380 G2 (48V)
At A Glance
At A GlanceAt A Glance
At A Glance
New Smart Array 5i Plus Controller & Battery-Backed Write Cache (BBWC) Enabler bundle option kit
Setting a new standard for 2-way dense computing, the new ProLiantDL380 is the first density-optimized server to provide enterprise class availability
and performance for demanding Internet and business applications - all in a 2U form factor
Intel® Pentium® III FC-PGA2 1.40 GHz Processor (dual capability) with 512-KB level 2 ECC cache
ServerWorks HE-SLChipset
Triple Peer PCI Architecture with 133-MHz Front Side Bus
256-MB PC133-MHz Registered ECC SDRAM memory (2 x 1 Interleaved Memory), expandable to 6 GB or 4 GB with 2 GB online spare memory
Three PCI expansion slots: Two HP 64-bit/66 MHz and one standard 64-bit/33 MHz
Two Compaq NC3163 Fast Ethernet NICs Embedded 10/100 WOL (Wake On LAN)
Smart Array 5i Controller (integrated on system board)
Support for up to six 1" Wide Ultra3/Ultra320 SCSI hot plug hard drives or for five hot plug hard drives and one AIT or 20/40-GB DAT hot plug tape
Internal hot plug capacity 880.8 GB standard (6 x 146.8 GB 1" HD)
400-Watt Hot Plug Power Supply and Hot Pluggable Fans (optional redundancy for both)
Sliding rails and cable management arm for easy serviceability and in-rack tool-less access to major components
Automatic Server Recovery (ASR), ROM Based Setup Utility (RBSU), Compaq Insight Manager 7, Status LEDs including system health and UID and
Protected by HP Services, including a three-year, Next Business Day, on-site limited Global warranty and extended Pre-Failure Warranty, which covers
processors, memory, and hard drives — Certain restrictions and exclusions apply. Consult the HP Customer Support Center at 1-800-345-1518 for
Compaq ProLiant DL380 G2
Compaq ProLiant DL380 G2Compaq ProLiant DL380 G2
Compaq ProLiant DL380 G2
DA - 10902 Worldwide — Version 50 — September 30, 2003
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