Manual abstract:
Removing the CPU Module 2-47 Figure 2-30. Removing the RJ11/1394 Connector Module. 2-49 Figure 2-31. Removing the Motherboard 2-51 Figure 2-32.
Removing the Hard Disk Drive Guide 2-53 Figure 2-33. Disconnecting the Motherboard Cables 2-54 Figure 2-34. Removing the Motherboard 2-56 Figure
2-35. Example of Serial Number Label 2-59 Figure 2-36. Replacing the Antennas. 2-60 Figure 2-37.
Removing a PCMCIA Door 2-60 Figure 2-38. Boot-Block Jumper . 2-62 Figure 3-1. Basic Troubleshooting Steps. 3-2 Figure 4-1.
Exploded View 4-2 Figure 4-2. Exploded View 4-3 iv Service Manual Tables Table 1-1. Notebook Products .1-1 Table 1-2. Product Comparisons1-43 Table
Activating Power Modes 1-54 Table 1-4. Main Status Lights (front of notebook) 1-55 Table 1-5. Keyboard Status Lights.1-55 Table 1-6. Fn Hot Keys1-56
Table 1-7. Specifications1-58 Table 1-8. Accessories .1-62 Table 1-9. Functional Structure Description1-65 Table 2-1. Removal Cross-Reference 2-1 Table
Required Equipment .2-2 Table 2-3. Recommended Screw Torque Values.2-2 Table 2-4. Replacing Small Parts.2-11 Table 2-5. Removing Components 2-63
Table 3-1. ASP Support Options3-1 Table 3-2. Scope of Diagnostic Tools3-5 Table 3-3. Troubleshooting Suggestions .
3-6 Table 3-4. POST Terminal-Error Beep Codes .3-20 Table 3-5. POST Messages 3-23 Table 3-6. Sycard PCCtest Commands 3-25 Table 3-7.
BIOS Setup Menus and Parameters3-27 Table 4-1. Replaceable Parts4-4 Table 4-2. Accessory Replaceable Parts 4-12 Table 4-3. Part Number
Reference.4-13 Table 5-1.
LCD Guidelines 5-3 Service Manual v Introduction This manual provides reference information for servicing the HP Pavilion ze5300, ze5200, ze4300,
ze4200, and ze4100 Notebook PCs, HP nx9010, nx9005, and nx9000 Notebook PCs, Compaq Evo Notebook 1050v and 1010v Series, and Compaq Presario
2500, 2100, and 1100 Series Mobile PCs. These notebook models use technology code KE. It is for use by authorized service personnel while installing,
servicing, and repairing these products. The manual is designed as a self-paced guide that will train you to install, configure, and repair these notebooks. The
manual is self-contained, so you can follow it even without having equipment available. The following table lists other sources of information about the
notebook computers and related products. Source HP Notebook Web site Compaq Notebook Web site HP Business Support Web site Compaq Business
Support Web site HP Asia Pacific Channel Support Centre for DPSP Partners America Online CompuServe HP Support Assist CD-ROM Microsoft Windows
manual Microsoft Web site Address or Number http://welcome.hp.
com/country/us/eng/prodserv/ notebooks_tabletpcs.html Comments
Restricted to DPSP Partners only. Call (800) 827-6364 for membership within the US.
Call (800) 524-3388 for membership within the US. US and Canada. Outside US and Canada. Information about Windows operating system. Information and
updates for Windows operating systems.
Keyword: HP GO HP (800) 457-1762 (801) 431-1587 Service Manual vii 1 Product Information The following list of HP and
Compaq notebook products is current at the time of publication but is subject to change. Table 1-1. Notebook Products Notebook Product DG071A ABG
DG071A AB1 DG071A AKL DG071A UUF DG072A AB1 DG072A AB5 DG073A AB1 DG074A AB1 DG076A ABA DG076A ABC DG077A ABA DG077A
ABC DG078A ABA DG078A ABC DG231A ABB DG231A ABD DG231A ABE Hard Drive CD/DVD Drives Standard SDRAM/ Video Mem CPU Display
Communication Battery Li ion Li ion Li ion Li ion Li ion Li ion Li ion Li ion Li ion Li ion Li ion Li ion Li ion Li ion Li ion Li ion Li ion Nx9010 Notebook PC
Pentium 4-D 2.
66-GHz 15.0-in SXGA+ 40 GB Pentium 4-D 2.66-GHz 15.0-in SXGA+ 40 GB Pentium 4-D 2.66-GHz 15.0-in SXGA+ 40 GB Pentium 4-D 2.66-GHz 15.0-in
SXGA+ 40 GB Pentium 4-D 2.53-GHz 15.0-in XGA Pentium 4-D 2.
53-GHz 15.0-in XGA Pentium 4-D 2.4-GHz Pentium 4-D 2.4-GHz Celeron-D 2.0-GHz Celeron-D 2.0-GHz Pentium 4-D 2.4-GHz Pentium 4-D 2.4-GHz 40
GB 40 GB combination 512 MB/64 MB iNIC + modem + + diskette integrated 802.11b combination 512 MB/64 MB iNIC + modem + + diskette integrated
802.11b combination 512 MB/64 MB iNIC + modem + + diskette integrated 802.
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