This document introduces RTR and describes RTR concepts. It is
intended for the system manager or administrator and for the
application programmer who is developing an application that
works with Reliable Transaction Router (RTR).
Reliable Transaction Router
Reliable Transaction Router (RTR) is failure-tolerant
transactional messaging middleware used to implement large,
distributed applications with client/server technologies. RTR
helps ensure business continuity across multivendor systems and
helps maximize uptime.
You use the architecture of RTR to ensure high availability and
transaction completion. RTR supports applications that run
on different hardware and different operating systems. RTR
also works with several database products including Oracle,
Microsoft Access, Microsoft SQL Server, Sybase, and Informix.
For specifics on operating systems, operating system versions,
and supported hardware, see the Reliable Transaction Router
Software Product Description for each supported operating
RTR can be deployed in a local or wide area network and can use
either TCP/IP or DECnet for its underlying network transport.
Introduction 1–1