CY7C1146V18, CY7C1157V18
CY7C1148V18, CY7C1150V18
18-Mbit DDR-II+ SRAM 2-Word Burst
Architecture (2.0 Cycle Read Latency)
Cypress Semiconductor Corporation • 198 Champion Court • San Jose, CA 95134-1709 • 408-943-2600
Document Number: 001-06621 Rev. *D Revised March 06, 2008
■ 18 Mbit density (2M x 8, 2M x 9, 1M x 18, 512K x 36)
■ 300 MHz to 375 MHz clock for high bandwidth
■ 2-Word burst for reducing address bus frequency
■ Double Data Rate (DDR) interfaces
(data transferred at 750 MHz) at 375 MHz
■ Read latency of 2.0 clock cycles
■ Two input clocks (K and K) for precise DDR timing
❐ SRAM uses rising edges only
■ Echo clocks (CQ and CQ) simplify data capture in high-speed
■ Data valid pin (QVLD) to indicate valid data on the output
■ Synchronous internally self-timed writes
■ Core V
= 1.8V ± 0.1V; IO V
= 1.4V to V
■ HSTL inputs and Variable drive HSTL output buffers
■ Available in 165-Ball FBGA package (13 x 15 x 1.4 mm)
■ Offered in both Pb-free and non Pb-free packages
■ JTAG 1149.1-compatible test access port
■ Delay Lock Loop (DLL) for accurate data placement
With Read Cycle Latency of 2.0 cycles:
CY7C1146V18 – 2M x 8
CY7C1157V18 – 2M x 9
CY7C1148V18 – 1M x 18
CY7C1150V18 – 512K x 36
Functional Description
The CY7C1146V18, CY7C1157V18, CY7C1148V18, and
CY7C1150V18 are 1.8V Synchronous Pipelined SRAMs
equipped with DDR-II+ architecture. The DDR-II+ consists of an
SRAM core with advanced synchronous peripheral circuitry.
Addresses for read and write are latched on alternate rising
edges of the input (K) clock. Write data is registered on the rising
edges of both K and K
. Read data is driven on the rising edges
of K and K
. Each address location is associated with two 8-bit
words (CY7C1146V18) or 9-bit words (CY7C1157V18) or 18-bit
words (CY7C1148V18) or 36-bit words (CY7C1150V18) that
burst sequentially into or out of the device.
Asynchronous inputs include output impedance matching input
(ZQ). Synchronous data outputs (Q, sharing the same physical
pins as the data inputs D) are tightly matched to the two output
echo clocks CQ/CQ
, eliminating the need for separately
capturing data from each individual DDR SRAM in the system
All synchronous inputs pass through input registers controlled by
the K or K
input clocks. All data outputs pass through output
registers controlled by the K or K
input clocks. Writes are
conducted with on-chip synchronous self-timed write circuitry.
Selection Guide
Description 375 MHz 333 MHz 300 MHz Unit
Maximum Operating Frequency 375 333 300 MHz
Maximum Operating Current 1020 920 850 mA
1. The QDR consortium specification for V
is 1.5V + 0.1V. The Cypress QDR devices exceed the QDR consortium specification and are capable of supporting V
= 1.4V to V
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