Cypress CY7C68003 Computer Hardware User Manual

Revised April 1, 2009 Page 5 of 5
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© Cypress Semiconductor Corporation, 2007-2009. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. Cypress Semiconductor Corporation assumes no responsibility for the use of
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Use may be limited by and subject to the applicable Cypress software license agreement.
The operation and configuration modes are described in
Operation Modes on page 4 and Configuration Mode on page 14
respectively. The ULPI Low power mode and Sleep mode are
described in the following sections:
ULPI Low Power Mode
In this mode, the link optionally places the TX2UL in low power
mode when the USB is suspended. TX2UL powers down all the
circuitry except for the interface pins and full speed receiver. To
enter low power mode, the link must set SuspendM in the
Function Control register to 0b. The TX2UL clock is stopped for
a minimum of five cycles after TX2UL accepts the register write.
To exit the low power mode, the link signals TX2UL to exit the
mode by asynchronously asserting a signal, STP. The TX2UL
wakes up its internal circuitry and when it meets the ULPI timing
requirements it deasserts DIR. The SuspendM register is set to
Sleep Mode
Sleep mode is entered by asserting RESET_N during the Normal
Operation Mode. When RESET_N is driven low for tSTATE (see
Table 21 on page 19 for tSTATE requirement) while CS_N is low,
TX2UL enters into Sleep Mode. VCC must remain supplied (ON)
during the sleep mode. This mode powers down all internal
circuitry except the RESET_N pin and the chip_config register.
The ULPI interface bus is tri-stated.
During the Sleep Mode ensure that:
The ULPI interface IOs is either floating or driven high by the link
DP and DM are either floating or pull to 0V
Deassert RESET_N to exit the Sleep Mode.
The VID and PID are hard coded into Product ID and Vendor ID registers (read only) as shown in Table 6.
Table 6. Immediate Register Values for VID and PID
Field Name Size (bit)
Address (6 bits)
Rd Wr Set Clr
Vendor ID (VID) Low 8 00h - - - B4h
Vendor ID (VID) High 8 01h - - - 04h
Product ID (PID) Low 8 02h - - - 03h
Product ID (PID) High 8 03h - - - 68h