Prosumer Video Cable Equalizer
Cypress Semiconductor Corporation • 198 Champion Court • San Jose, CA 95134-1709 • 408-943-2600
Document Number: 001-12520 Rev. ** Revised October 25, 2007
■ Multi rate adaptive equalization
■ Operates from 143 to 1485 Mbps serial data rate
■ SMPTE 292M, SMPTE 344M, and SMPTE 259M compliant
■ Supports DVB-ASI at 270 Mbps
■ Cable length indicator for HD-SDI and SD-SDI data rates
■ Maximum cable length adjustment for HD-SDI and SD-SDI
data rates
■ Carrier detect and mute functionality for HD-SDI and SD-SDI
data rates
■ Equalizer bypass mode
■ Seamless connection with HOTLink II™ family
■ Equalizes up to 175m of Canare L-5CFB and Belden 1694A
coaxial cable at 270 Mbps
■ Equalizes up to 70m of Canare L-5CFB and Belden 1694A
coaxial cable at 1.485 Gbps
■ Low power: 160 mW at 3.3V
■ Single 3.3V supply
■ 16-pin SOIC
■ 0.18 μm CMOS technology
■ Pb-free and RoHS compliant
■ Uses Cypress CLEANLink™ technology
■ Pin compatible to existing equalizer devices
Functional Description
The CYV15G0100EQ is a multi rate adaptive equalizer designed
to equalize and restore signals received over 75Ω coaxial cable.
The equalizer meets SMPTE 292M, SMPTE 344M, and SMPTE
259M data rates. The CYV15G0100EQ is optimized to equalize
up to 175m of Belden 1694A
coaxial cable at 270 Mbps and up
to 70m of Belden 1694A coaxial cable at 1.485 Gbps. This device
is mainly targeted for Prosumer Video applications where the
cable length requirements are not as stringent as professional
broadcast video applications. The CYV15G0100EQ connects
seamlessly to the HOTLink II family of transceivers.
The CYV15G0100EQ has DC restoration to compensate for the
DC content of the SMPTE pathological patterns. A cable length
indicator (CLI) provides an indication of the cable length
equalized at HD-SDI and SD-SDI data rates. The maximum
cable length adjust (MCLADJ) sets the approximate maximum
cable length to equalize at SD and HD data rates. The
CYV15G0100EQ’s differential serial outputs (SDO, SDO
) mute
when the approximate cable length set by MCLADJ is reached.
CD/MUTE is a bidirectional pin that provides an indication of the
signal present at the equalizer inputs. It also controls muting the
outputs of the equalizer at HD and SD data rates.
Power consumption is typically 160 mW at 3.3V.
Serial Links
Copper Cable
Prosumer Video
Equalizer System Connection Diagram
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