C-BOX 300/310
CFG: When the switch is in this position, the C-BOX 3X0 is in
configuration mode. The communication with the scanner is interrupted
and pins 2 and 3 are no longer dedicated to the scanner auxiliary
interface but to the C-BOX 3X0 configuration (see table below). The
system enters configuration mode and waits to be configured through
WinHost (see WinHost Help On Line).
The C-BOX 310 display visualizes an appropriate message.
Once the C-BOX 3X0 configuration is completed, it is necessary to
replace the switch in the Normal Operation position. At the end of the
reboot phase, the C-BOX 3X0 is ready to function with the new
9-pin C-Box 3x0 connector pinout in Configuration mode
Pin Name Function
2 RX C-BOX 3X0 Configuration
3 TX C-BOX 3X0 Configuration
5 SGND Signal Ground
When the C-BOX 3X0 configuration is completed, remember to
replace the Configuration switch in the Normal Operation position.