Dell 2400MP Projector User Manual

Specifications 41
RS232 Pin Assignment
RS232 Protocol
Communication Settings
Command types
To pop up the OSD menu and adjust the settings.
Control command Syntax (From PC to Projector)
Example: Power ON Command (Send low byte firstly)
--> 0xBE, 0xEF, 0x10, 0x05, 0x00, 0xC6, 0xFF, 0x11, 0x11, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01
Header "BE EF"
Address Code "10" ==> pt_OEM
Payload Size "05 00"==> From wMsgID to end
CRC "C6 FF" ==> If CRC value is "C6 (Low Byte) FF (High Byte)"
MsgID "11 11"
MsgSize "01 00"==> From command to end.
Command "01"==> "Power ON" command.
Projector Response Message Table:
0x00: Success
0x01: Invalid command (on the control command list but not valid. e.g. card reader
command while no card reader plug-in)
0x02: Error command (includes CRC error and unknown commands).
0x03: System Status - Projector ON (Normal Mode).
NACK: System Status - Projector OFF (Standby Mode).
Connection settings Value
Baud Rate: 19200
Data Bits: 8
Parity None
Stop Bits 1