Dell 735 Personal Computer User Manual

Syntax lines
consist of a command and all its possible parameters. Commands
are displayed in lowercase bold; variable parameters (those for which you substi-
tute a value) are displayed in lowercase italics; constant parameters are displayed
in lowercase bold. The brackets indicate items that are optional.
Example: del [
Command lines
consist of a command and may include one or more of the com-
mands possible parameters. Command lines are presented in the Courier New
Example: del c:\myfile.doc
Screen text
is text that appears on the screen of your monitor or display. It can be
a system message, for example, or it can be text that you are instructed to type
as part of a command (referred to as a
command line
). Screen text is presented
in the Courier New font.
Example: The following message appears on your screen:
No boot device available
Example: Typ e md c:\programs and press <Enter>.
are placeholders for which you substitute a value. They are presented in
Example: DIMM
represents the DIMM socket designation).