Delta TE-4000 Cash Register User Manual

Function keys for Pubs and Restaurants
Add Check (94)
This function allows two open checks to be added together
Arrangement key (44)
This function allows you to program sequences of buttons and
function for example you can program a cash key to have a preset
price for automatic change calculation
Clerk Number key (72)
This function allows you to sign clerks on and off the cash register
You can use one key or multiple keys
Clerk transfer Key (13)
This Function allows you to transfer a balance from one clerk to
Operation of clerk transfer
Sign on clerk
Enter Clerk number you want to transfer from and hit the clerk
transfer key
Enter the clerk number you want to transfer to and hit the operator
number key
Press the clerk transfer key
Customer number key (43)
This function allows you to enter the number of covers seating on
a table
Ketten Bon (113)
This function allows you to produce individual stubs for each
It is used mostly in entrance machines
To use this function the PLU’s must be set to go to an order printer