
7. In the Directories window, double-click on the ELK120
directory (located under the COOL directory).
8. In the File Name window, click on the file ELK120.SCP,
then press OK (see Figure 5).
Programming Continued
Figure 5.
Figure 6.
Figure 7.
9. Make sure the Pause at Dialogs and the Execute
Relative to Cursor boxes are not checked. In the ELK
Recording Utilities window, click on Embed Control
Track, then click on Run (Figure 6). The ELK-120 Script
will not run if any portion of the waveform has been "se-
lected" (highlighted). If any of the waveform has been
selected, press the Esc key to exit the script dialog box,
then press Esc again to unselect the waveform.
10. When the script has finished, you should see two distinct
waveforms, similar to Figure 7. The right channel has the
original waveform (with 30mS of silence added to the
beginning). The left channel should appear as a constant
20 Hz sine wave that runs the entire length of the record-
ing. Your waveform has now been processed and is ready
to be "downloaded"!
You can now save the “scripted” ch1.wav to your hard
drive if you wish to load this message into another
Recordable Module at a later date. Click File, Save As,
enter a different file name to keep the original file un-