Appendix EP-3VCA2
- Create resource map from ESCD.
5. Assign IO & Memory for PCI devices. (PCI BIOS only)
0C Initialization of the BIOS Data Area. (40:ON - 40:FF)
0D 1. Program some of the Chipset's value according to Setup.
(Early Setup Value Program)
2. Measure CPU speed for display & decide the system
clock speed.
3. Video initialization including Monochrome, CGA, EGA/
VGA. If no display device found, the speaker will beep.
0E 1. Test video RAM. (If Monochrome display device found)
2. Show messages including.
- Award Logo, Copyright string, BIOS Data code & Part
- OEM specific sign on messages.
- Energy Star Logo. (Green BIOS ONLY)
- CPU brand, type & speed.
- Test system BIOS checksum. (Non-Compress Version
0F DMA channel 0 test.
10 DMA channel 1 test.
11 DMA page registers test.
12-13 Reserved.
14 Test 8254 Timer 0 Counter 2.
15 Test 8259 interrupt mask bits for channel 1.
16 Test 8259 interrupt mask bits for channel 2.
17 Reserved.
19 Test 8259 functionality.
1A-1D Reserved.
1E If EISA NVM checksum is good, execute EISA initialization.
(EISA BIOS only)
1F-29 Reserved.
30 Detect Base Memory & Extended Memory Size.
31 1. Test Base Memory from 256K to 640K.
2. Test Extended Memory from 1M to the top of memory.
32 1. Display the Award Plug & Play BIOS Extension message.
(PnP BIOS only)