Network Projector E-mail Alert Messages
When a problem occurs with a networked projector, and you selected to receive e-mail alerts, you
receive an e-mail containing the following information:
• Epson Projector on the subject line
• The name of the projector experiencing a problem
• The IP address of the affected projector
• Detailed information about the problem
Note: If a critical problem causes a projector to shut down, you may not receive an e-mail alert.
Parent topic: Setting Up Projector Network E-Mail Alerts
Setting Up Monitoring Using SNMP
Network administrators can install SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) software on network
computers so they can monitor projectors. If your network uses this software, you can set up the
projector for SNMP monitoring.
1. Press the Menu button.
2. Select the Network menu and press Enter.
3. Select Network Configuration and press Enter.
4. Select the Others menu and press Enter.