DSL deployment and
EDA supports VDSL2 ITU 993.2, ADSL2+ ITU G.992.5,
ADSL2 ITU G.992.3 and ADSL ITU G.992.1. VDSL2
opens for up to 100/50 Mbps downstream/upstream
bandwidth that enables the possibility for bandwidth
demanding services in the network. ADSL2+ also offers
high bandwidth of up to 24 Mbps downstream.
Single Ended Line Test (SELT)
SELT is an EDA function supported by the EDN312
series of IP DSLAMs, improving the TTC of broadband
access services for the operator. Using advanced
frequency and time domain analysis, this tool estimates
both the length and properties of the local loop and
possible ADSL service that can be carried through the
local loop. Results will be shown in PEM and all detailed
data can be exported for further processes.
Loop Diagnostics
Loop diagnostics is an ADSL2 feature (ITU G.992.3)
supported by EDN312 series of IP DSLAMs utilizing
both the IP DSLAM and the Customer Premises
Equipment (CPE) to measure the line quality.
Operation and Maintenance surveillance
Surveillance of end-to-end services is possible in two
steps. It is always possible to monitor the service paths
between the IP DSLAM and the CPE using standardized
ATM AAL0 F5 cells. For services using the PPPoE,
DHCP, or static IP access method it is possible to make
link verification between the IP DSLAM and the service.
Furthermore, the EDN312-based system provides other
useful information such as last estimated line length,
attainable bit rate on the ADSL physical link, and CPE
information such as chipset ID and dying gasp (CPE
switched off).
Network migration
Operators can save investments by building on existing
solutions — both in the access area as well as for the
network infrastructure.
New technologies like VDSL2 often emerge rather
slowly, and require only a relatively small penetration
ratio compared to e.g. ADSL/ADSL2/ADSL2+. Very
often it makes sense — financially as well as technically —
to migrate already installed equipment into new and
improved solutions. EDA offers a unique opportunity to
upgrade already installed remote sites with VDSL2.
On the topic of network infrastructure the EDA Ethernet
Aggregation and Transport products enable re-use of
existing legacy networks, while preserving the key
benefits of Ethernet aggregation and all-IP end-to-end
Adding VDSL2
Migration of existing equipment is an extremely
important parameter for most telecom operators, in
order to protect investments and secure stability for the
end-users. This is, of course, also the case when
introducing VDSL2.
In essence, VDSL2 can be added to an existing
ECN330-based site. This is done by connecting an
ESN410/ESN212 to an uplink port of the ECN330 and
optionally adding additional fiber uplinks to the new
switch for traffic aggregation. The IP DSLAMs below the
ESN410/ESN212 will be handled by the EMP in the
ECN330 and hence “piggy-bag” on the existing