Escali 4.4 Network Router User Manual

Section: 3.3 Running Scali MPI Connect programs
Scali MPI Connect Release 4.4 Users Guide 26
By default the processes’ output to stdout all appear in the stdout of mpimon, where they are
merged in some random order. It is however possible to keep the outputs apart by directing
them to files that have unique names for each process. This is accomplished by giving mpimon
the option -separate_output <seletion>, e.g., -separate_output all to have each process
deposit its stdout in a file. The files are named according to the folowing template:
ScaMPIoutput_<host>_<pid>_<rank>, where <host> and <pid> identify the particular
invokation of mpimon on the host, and <rank> identifies the process. How to provide options to mpimon
There are three different ways to provide options to mpimon. The most common way is to
specify options on the command line invoking mpimon. Another way is to define environment
variables, and the third way is to define options in configuration file(s).
Command line options: Options for mpimon must be placed after mpimon, but before
the program name
Environment-variable options: Setting an mpimon-option with environment variables
requires that variables are defined as SCAMPI_<uppercase-option> where SCAMPI_ is a
fixed prefix followed by the option converted to uppercase. For example
SCAMPI_CHANNEL_SIZE=64Kmeans setting -channel_size to 64K
Configuration-files options: mpimon reads up to three different configuration files
when starting. First the systemwide configuration (/opt/scali/etc/ScaMPI.conf) is
read. If the user has a file on his/her home-directory, that file(~/ScaMPI.conf) is then
read. Finally if there is a configuration file in the current directory, that file(./
ScaMPI.conf) is then read. The files should contain one option per line, given as for
command line options.
The options described either on the command line, as environment variables or in configuration
files are prioritized the following way (ranked from lowest to highest):
1. System-wide configuration-file(/opt/scali/etc/ScaMPI.conf)
2. Configuration-file on home-directory(~/ScaMPI.conf)
3. Configuration-file on current directory(./ScaMPI.conf)
4. Environment-variables
5. Command line-options Network options
Scali MPI Connect is designed to handle several networks in one run. There are two types of
networks, built-in standard-devices and DAT-devices. The devices are selected by giving the
option “-networks <net-list>” to mpimon. <net-list> is a comma-separated list of device
names. Scali MPI Connect uses the list when setting up connections to other MPI-processes. It
starts off with the first device in the list and sets up all possible connections with that device.
If this fails the next on list is tried and so on until all connections are live or all adapters in <net-
list>have beentried. A list of possible devices can be obtained with the scanet command.
For systems installed with the Scali Manage installer, a list of preferred devices is provided in
ScaMPI.conf. An explicit list of devices may be set either in a private ScaMPI.conf, through
the SCAMPI_NETWORKS environment variable, or by the -networks parameter to mpimon. The
values should be provided in a comma-separated list of device names.
Example: mpimon -networks smp,gm0,tcp ...