Extron electronic SW RGB Switch User Manual

A-3SW RGB and YUV A Switchers • Specifications and Part Numbers
Input type ..................................... RGBHV (except SW6 YUV A), RGBS, RGsB, RsGsBs
Output type .................................. RGBHV (except SW6 YUV A), RGBS, RGsB, RsGsBs
Input level ..................................... Analog or TTL, 0.5V to 5.0V p-p
Output level .................................. 5.0V p-p, unterminated, for V output; H output follows input
Input impedance .......................... 510 ohms for V input and unselected H input; the selected H input
impedance is determined by the device connected to the H output.
Output impedance ...................... 75 ohms for V output; the H output impedance is determined by the device
connected to the selected H input.
Max input voltage ....................... 5.0V p-p
Max. propagation delay .............. 35 ns
Max. rise/fall time ....................... 4 ns
Polarity .......................................... Positive or negative (follows input)
Audio — SW 2/4/6 RGBHV A only
Gain ............................................... Adjustable
When audio gain is set to unity (0 dB), balanced output will have a 0 dB
gain; unbalanced output will be attenuated by 6 dB.
Frequency response ..................... 20 Hz to 20 kHz, ±0.05 dB
THD + Noise ................................ 0.03% @ 1 kHz, 0.3% @ 20 kHz at nominal level
S/N ............................................... >90 dB at rated maximum output
Crosstalk ....................................... <-65 dB @ 20 kHz, <-80 dB @ 1 kHz or below 60 Hz
Stereo channel separation .......... >80 dB @ 20 Hz to 20 kHz
CMRR ............................................ >75 dB @ _20 Hz to 20 kHz
Digital audio
Input type ..................................... Dolby Digital, DTS, AES/EBU
Output type .................................. Dolby Digital, DTS, AES/EBU
Bandwidth .................................... 100 MHz (-3 dB)
Sampling rates .............................. 32, 44.1, 48, 96 kHz
Input level ..................................... 0.5V to 5.0V p-p
Output level .................................. 2.5V p-p (when terminated with 75 ohms)
Input impedance .......................... 510 ohms for unselected inputs; for the selected input, impedance is
determined by the device connected to the output
Output impedance ...................... Determined bythe device connected to the selected input
Max input voltage ....................... 5.0V p-p
Max. propagation delay .............. 35 ns
Max. rise/fall time ....................... 4 ns
Audio input — SW 2/4/6 RGBHV A only
Number/signal type ................... 2, 4, or 6 (depending on the model) stereo, balanced/unbalanced
Connectors .................................... 2, 4, or 6 (depending on the model) 3.5 mm captive screw connectors, 5 pole
Impedance .................................... >10 kohms unbalanced, 20 kohms balanced, DC coupled
Nominal level ............................... -20 dBV (100mV), -10 dBV (316mV), 0 dBu (1V), or +4 dBu (1.23V),
Maximum level ............................ +20 dBu, (balanced or unbalanced) at 1%THD+N
Input gain adjustment................. -24 dB to +18 dB, adjustable per input