FARGO electronic 400 Printer User Manual

RESTRICTED USE ONLY Fargo Electronics, Inc.
DTC400 Card Printer/Encoder User Guide (Rev. 2.6)
Upgrading the Main Firmware with the Fargo
Workbench Printer Utility
The Main Printer Firmware upgrades are done with the same procedure as the USB-
connected Printer. The PC doing the upgrade must have a Driver installed for the Fargo
Printer to be upgraded. (Note: Alternatively, a DTC400 User can upgrade the DTC400 Main
Printer Firmware by using the DTC400 Upgrade web page.)
Step Procedure
1 Run the Fargo Workbench Printer Utility by selecting from the start menu the
Start -> Programs -> Fargo -> Fargo Workbench Printer Utility
2 Select the Fargo Printer to upgrade from the Actions Menu, as shown below.