FS -8700-02 Modbus Plus Driver Manual
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court, Milpitas, California 95035 (408) 262-2299 fax: (408) 262-9042
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Page 5
3. FieldServer as a Modbus Plus Server
3.1 Hardware Connections
Refer to the Drawings in section 4
Configure the Modbus Plus client according to manufacturer’s instructions (refer to
section below on examples of FieldServer setup for typical clients
3.2 Configuration File Structure
Refer to section 4.1 of the Instruction Manual for a description of the operation principle
of the FieldServer. The following tables describe parameters that need to be filled out in
the configuration file. For convenience, a few example parameters already exist in the
supplied PRIMSERV.CSV and SECDSERV.CSV files.
Note that * indicates an optional parameter, with the bold legal value being the default.
3.2.1 Data Arrays
Column Title Function Legal Values
Data_Array_Name Provide name for Data Array Up to 15
Data_Format Provides data format INT16, INT32, BIT,
Data_Array_Length Number of Data Objects 1-10,000
3.2.2 Server Side Connections
Section Title
Column Title Function Legal Values
Adapter Adapter name MBP
Internal Path Modbus Plus data path 1 - 8
3.2.3 Server Side Nodes
Section Title
Column Title Function Legal Values
Node_Name Provide name for node Up to 32
Node_ID Node ID of virtual server node 1 – 255
Protocol Specify protocol used Modbus Plus