Do not measure under damp conditions.
Perfect display is only guaranteed within a
temperature range of -10°C up to + 55°C,
at relative humidity <85%
If the operator’s safety cannot be guaran-
ted, the instrument must be removed from
service and protected against use.
Safety is no longer ensured in the following
• Obvious damage
• When the device no longer performs the desi-
red tests
• Excessive storage under unfavourable condi-
• Strain through transport
• Leaking batteries
For all the work, the accident prevention regula-
tions of the commercial and industrial worker's
compensation insurance carriers for electric in-
stallations and equipment must be heeded.
Appropriate Usage
The instrument may only be used under those
conditions and for those purposes for which it
was built. For this reason, in particular the
safety references , the technical data including
environmental conditions and the usage in dry
environments must be followed.
When modifying or changing the instru-
ment, the operational safety is no longer
The instrument may only be opened by an
authorised service technician, e.g. for fuse
Fluke T100/120/140
Safety Measures
PFDB67410000.qxd 14.11.2006 9:26 Uhr Seite 5