Translating Words
To translate or define a word in either lan-
guage, simply type the word and press
ENTRER. You don’t need to type accents,
capitals, or punctuation.
1. Press EFF.
2. Type one or more words.
To erase a letter, press ARR. To type a
space, press ESPACE.
3. Press ENTRER to view translation(s).
4. Press
or ESPACE to read.
5. Press EFF to clear your entry.
✓ Accenting Letters
If you want to type an accent over a letter,
first type the letter and then press
until the desired accent appears.
✓ Understanding Translations
In translations, main words are boldfaced
and their parts of speech are italicized. Us-
ages are indicated in standard brackets,
with specialized usages capitalized. Gen-
ders and tenses are in slanted brackets.