✔ Using ? in Crossword Puzzles
You can also use ?s to help solve crossword puz-
zles. For example, if the second letter of a five-
letter word is h and its last letter is w, type ?h??w
and press ENTER to see a list of matching words.
✔ Finding a Series of Letters
You can find prefixes, suffixes and other parts of
words using an asterisk (❋) to stand for a series of
letters. Note: If you type an asterisk at the begin-
ning of a word, it may take a while to find the
matching words.
At the Enter a Word screen, type a word. For
example, to find all the words in this dictionary that
begin with anti, type anti
. (To type an ❋, press ?
and then .) Press ENTER. You see a list of
matches. Use or to scroll through the list.
When you see the word you want, press ENTER
to view its definition.
✔ Correcting Misspellings
If you misspell a word, a list of corrections appears.
Use to move down the list. When you see the word
you want, press ENTER to view its definition.
Using the Dictionary
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