2.14 Referencing Database Definition Information
After the database is defined, verify the database definition information. This section explains how to print database
definition information.
The rdbprt command prints the database name list and definition information. The rdbddlex command with the PRINT
STATISTICS statement or the rdbups command prints the optimization information. These informations can be used to
perform database management tasks such as confirming the range of database usage.
For details on the PRINT STATISTICS statement, refer to the SQL Reference Guide. For details on the rdbups and
rdbprt commands, refer to the RDB Operations Guide, or the man command (under UNIX) or the SymfoWARE/RDB
online manual (under Windows NT).
This section explains the information printed by the rdbprt command, the command specification method, and the print
2.14.1 Information printed by the rdbprt command
The rdbprt command prints the following information:
· Database name list information
Database name list information lists the names of all databases under the target SymfoWARE/RDB.
· User name list information
User name list information is a list of the names of all users under the target SymfoWARE/RDB.
· Role name list information
Role name list information is a list of the names of all roles under the target SymfoWARE/RDB.
· Definition information
Definition information includes information about a database, schema, base table, view table, temporary table,
trigger, routine, DSO, DSI, scope, database space, sequence, and user, and role definitions.
· User parameter information
User parameter information includes user parameter information used by the target SymfoWARE/RDB.
To print database name list information, specify DB in the m option of the rdbprt command. To print definition
information, specify DEF in the m option of the rdbprt command. The definition information print specifications are:
· DB
Items printed in definition information
The information generated for each print specification type is given next.
DB specification
· Database name
· Database creator
· Database definition date and time
· Names of schemas belonging to the database
· Names of database spaces belonging to the database
· Log group name of log environment used for database space belonging to the database
· Names of scope belonging to the database
SCHEMA specification
· Schema name
· Name of database to which the schema belongs
· Schema creator
· Schema definition date and time