Chapter 1 System Overview 1-9
For complete details on the operator panel controls, refer to the SPARC Enterprise
M4000/M5000 Servers Service Manual.
1.3 Components
The components of both midrange servers are described in the following sections:
■ Section 1.3.1, “Motherboard Unit” on page 1-10
■ Section 1.3.2, “CPU Module” on page 1-11
■ Section 1.3.3, “Memory Board” on page 1-13
■ Section 1.3.4, “Fan Unit” on page 1-15
■ Section 1.3.5, “Power Supply” on page 1-17
■ Section 1.3.6, “Operator Panel” on page 1-20
■ Section 1.3.7, “eXtended System Control Facility Unit (XSCFU)” on page 1-23
■ Section 1.3.8, “I/O Unit” on page 1-26
■ Section 1.3.9, “On-Board Drive Units” on page 1-28
■ Section 1.4.1, “External I/O Expansion Unit” on page 1-31
TABLE 1-3 identifies the FRU components. Components using “hot FRU replacement”
can be removed from the server and replaced while the operating server is running
without performing a dynamic reconfiguration operation. Components using “active
FRU removal” must be dynamically reconfigured out of the domain before removing
the component.
TABLE 1-3 FRU Components for Both Midrange Servers
Component Redundant
Motherboard unit No Yes
CPU module No Yes
Memory board No Yes
eXtended System Control Facility unit (XSCFU) No Yes
I/O Unit No Yes
PCI cassette with PCI card No Yes Yes Yes
Fan unit Yes Yes Yes Yes
Fan backplane No Yes