5-10 C141-E205
5.3.3 Mode settings
In addition to the previously described settings using setting terminals, the IDD is provided with several
mode settings. The mode settings are enabled by specifying the CHANGE DEFINITION command.
Table 5.7 lists the mode settings and their settings at factory shipment.
Refer to Subsection 3.1.4 “CHANGE DEFINITION (40)” in the SCSI Logical Interface
Specifications for details of the CHANGE DEFINITION command.
Table 5.7 Default mode settings (by CHANGE DEFINITION command)
Mode setting Contents
SCSI level SCSI-3
Not sent from IDD
UNIT ATTENTION report mode Reported
Reselection retry count Not restricted
WIDE DATA TRANSFER REQUEST message sending Not sent from IDD
Reselection time-out delay 250 ms
Spindle motor start delay time
0 sec (NP)
12 sec × SCSI ID (NC)