Fujitsu MHT2060AT Computer Drive User Manual

5.3 Host Commands
C141-E192-01EN 5-81
Table 5.13 Selective self-test log data structure
Offset Description Initial
00h, 01h
Data Structure Revision Number
01h, 00h
02h...09h Starting LBA 00h...00h
Test Span 1
Ending LBA 00h...00h
12h...19h Starting LBA 00h...00h
Test Span 2
Ending LBA 00h...00h
22h...29h Starting LBA 00h...00h
Test Span 3
Ending LBA 00h...00h
32h...39h Starting LBA 00h...00h
Test Span 4
Ending LBA 00h...00h
42h...49h Starting LBA 00h...00h
Test Span 5
Ending LBA 00h...00h
52h...151h Reserved 00h...00h
152h...1EBh Vender Unique 00h...00h
1Ech...1F3h Current LBA under test 00h...00h
1F4h...1F5h Current Span under test 00h...00h
1F6h...1F7h Feature Flags 00h...00h
1F8h Offline Execution Flag 00h
1F9h Selective Offline Scan Number 00h
1FAh, 1FBh
Vender Unique
00h, 00h
1FCh, 1FDh
Selective Self-test pending time [min]
00h, 00h
1FEh, 1FFh
00h, FFh
Test Span
Selective self-test log provides for the definition of up to five test spans. If
the starting and ending LBA values for a test span are both zero, a test span is
not defined and not tested.
Current LBA under test
As the self-test progress, the device shall modify this value to contain the
LBA currently being tested.
Current Span under test
As the self-test progress, the device shall modify this value to contain the test
span number currently being tested.
Feature Flags