Fujitsu MHV2040AS Computer Drive User Manual

5-80 C141-E221
Bit 14-8: Undefined
Bit 7: Removable disk drive = 1
Bit 6: Fixed drive = 1
Bit 5-3: Undefined
Bit 2: IDENTIFY DEVICE Valid = 0
Bit 1-0: Reserved
*2 Word 1, 3, 6, 60-61
Word MHV2080AS MHV2060AS MHV2040AS
1 X ' 3FFF ' X ' 3FFF ' X ' 3FFF '
3 X ' 10 ' X ' 10 ' X ' 10 '
6 X ' 3F ' X ' 3F ' X ' 3F '
60-61 X ' 950F8B0 ' X' 6FC7C80' X ' 4A85300 '
*3 Status of the Word 2 Identify information is shown as follows:
37C8h The device requires the SET FEATURES sub-command after the
power-on sequence in order to spin-up. The Identify information
is incomplete.
738Ch The device requires the SET FEATURES sub-command after the
power-on sequence in order to spin-up. The Identify information
is incomplete.
8C73h The device requires the SET FEATURES sub-command after the
power-on sequence in order to spin-up. The Identify information
is incomplete.
C837h The device requires the SET FEATURES sub-command after the
power-on sequence in order to spin-up. The Identify information
is incomplete.
Others Reserved
*4 Word 49: Capabilities
Bit 15-14: Reserved
Bit 13: 1 = Support the standby timer the same as the ATA standard.
Bit 12: Reserved
Bit 11: 1 = Supported
Bit 10: 0 = Disable inhibition
Bit 7-0: Undefined
Bit 8: 1 = LBA Supported
Bit 9: 1 = DMA Supported