5.3 Host Commands
C141-E217 5-93
This command enables a user password or master password to be set.
The host transfers the 512-byte data shown in Table 5.24 to the device. The
device determines the operation of the lock function according to the
specifications of the Identifier bit and Security level bit in the transferred data.
(Table 5.25)
Issuing this command in LOCKED MODE or FROZEN MODE returns the
Aborted Command error.
Table 5.24 Contents of SECURITY SET PASSWORD data
Word Contents
0 Control word
Bit 0 Identifier
0 = Sets a user password.
1 = Sets a master password.
Bits 1 to 7 Reserved
Bit 8 Security level
0 = High
1 = Maximum
Bits 9 to 15 Reserved
1 to 16 Password (32 bytes)
17 Master password version number
(Valid is Bit 0=1)
18 to 255 Reserved
Table 5.25 Relationship between combination of Identifier and Security level, and
operation of the lock function
Identifier Level Description
User High The specified password is saved as a new user password.
The lock function is enabled after the device is turned off
and then on. LOCKED MODE can be canceled using the
user password or the master password already set.
User Maximum The specified password is saved as a new user password.
The lock function is enabled after the device is turned off
and then on. LOCKED MODE can be canceled using the
user password only. The master password already set
cannot cancel LOCKED MODE.
Master High or
The specified password is saved as a new master password.
The lock function is not enabled.