Fujitsu MHW2040AC Computer Drive User Manual

5.3 Host Commands
Table 5.22 Information to be read by IDENTIFY DEVICE command (2 of 2)
Word Value Description
65 X’0078’ Minimum multiword DMA transfer cycle time per word: 120 [ns]
66 X’0078’ Manufacturer’s recommended DMA transfer cycle time: 120 [ns]
67 X’00F0’ Minimum PIO transfer cycle time without IORDY flow control:
240 [ns]
68 X’0078’ Minimum PIO transfer cycle time with IORDY flow control:
120 [ns]
69-79 X’0000’ Reserved
80 X’00FC’ Major version number *11
81 X’0021’ Minor version number
82 X’346B’ Support of command sets *12
83 X’5B29’ Support of command sets *13
84 X’40xx’ Support of command sets/function *14
85 *15 Valid of command sets/function *15
86 *16 Valid of command sets/function *16
87 *17 Default of command sets/function *17
88 X’xx3F’ Ultra DMA transfer mode *18
89 Set by a device Security Erase Unit execution time (1 LSB: 2 min.) *19
90 X’0000’ Enhanced Security Erase Unit execution time
(1 LSB: 2 min.)
91 (Variable) Advance power management level
92 (Variable) Master password revision
93 *20 Hardware configuration *20
94 (Variable) Acoustic Management level *21
95-99 X’0000’ Reserved
100-103 X’xx’ Total number of sectors accessible by users in the 48-bit LBA mode
104-127 X’00’ Reserved
128 X’0xxx’ Security status *23
129-159 X’xxxx’ Undefined
160-254 X’0000’ Reserved
255 X’xxA5’ Check sum (The 2 complement of the lower order byte resulting from
summing bits 7 to 0 of word 0 to 254 and word 255, in byte units.)
*1 Word 0: General configuration
Bit 15: ATA device = 0, ATAPI device = 1
C141-E258 5-79