Fujitsu MHY2100BS Computer Drive User Manual

*33 WORD 212-213: Write Read Verify mode (Optional)
Verify mode display when Write Read Verify function is set by SET
FEATURES command.
Bits 15-8: Reserved
Bits 7-0: Verify mode display Value: 00h-03h
*34 WORD 234: Minimum number of 512Byte units per DOWNLOAD
MICROCODE command mode 3
When the command for which mode 3(FR reg = 03h) is specified with
DOWNLOAD MICROCODE (0x92) is issued, the host is a unit of possible
transfer of the minimum transfer sector.
Value: 0001h sector
*35 WORD 235: Maximum number of 512Byte units per DOWNLOAD
MICROCODE command mode3
When the command for which mode 3(FR reg = 03h) is specified with
MICROCODE (0x92) is issued, the host is a unit of possible transfer of the
maximum transfer sector.
8MByte Buffer drive Value: 0B00h sector
5-118 C141-E269