IV. Power Mode Setting
There are two power mode options for the GE
Rotating USB 2.0 4-Port Hub.
The fi rst is self-power mode (recommended),
which requires the use of the optional AC
power adapter (Available at Jascoproducts.
com). In this mode, each port is provided with
500 milliamps, allowing for additional hubs,
cameras and other high-powered devices.
The second is bus-power mode, which does
NOT require the use of the optional AC power
adapter. In this mode, the hub is provided with
500 milliamps for all 4 ports. This should be
adequate for mice, keyboards, and other low
power devices. If you are not sure or if device
performance is poor, use the optional AC
adapter. When using the optional AC power
adapter, make sure the plug is properly con-
nected to the hub and to a standard electrical
outlet. GE Surge protection is recommended.