Gigabyte GA-M68MT-S2P Computer Hardware User Manual

- 31 - BIOS Setup
PCI1/2 IRQ Assignment
Auto BIOSauto-assignsIRQtotherst/secondPCIslot.(Default)
3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15 AssignsIRQ3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15totherst/secondPCIslot.
2-8 PnP/PCICongurations
CMOS Setup Utility-Copyright (C) 1984-2010 Award Software
PCI1 IRQ Assignment [Auto]
PCI2 IRQ Assignment [Auto]
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2-9 PC Health Status
CMOS Setup Utility-Copyright (C) 1984-2010 Award Software
PC Health Status
Reset Case Open Status [Disabled]
Case Opened No
Vcore 1.364V
DDR3 1.5V 1.520V
+3.3V 3.280V
+12V 12.048V
Current System Temperature 38
Current CPU Temperature 36
Current CPU FAN Speed 1962 RPM
Current SYSTEM FAN Speed 0 RPM
System Warning Temperature [Disabled]
CPU Warning Temperature [Disabled]
CPU FAN Fail Warning [Disabled]
SYSTEM FAN Fail Warning [Disabled]
CPU Smart FAN Control [Enabled]
CPU Smart FAN Mode [Auto]
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Reset Case Open Status
Keeps or clears the record of previous chassis intrusion status. Enabled clears the record of previous
chassis intrusion status and the Case Openedeldwillshow"No"atnextboot.(Default:Disabled)
Case Opened
Displays the detection status of the chassis intrusion detection device attached to the motherboard CI
clear the chassis intrusion status record, set Reset Case Open Status to Enabled, save the settings to
the CMOS, and then restart your system.
Current Voltage(V) Vcore/DDR3 1.5V/+3.3V/+12V
Displays the current system voltages.
Current System/CPU Temperature
Displays current system/CPU temperature.
Current CPU/SYSTEM FAN Speed (RPM)
Displays current CPU/system fan speed.