executive summary
In today’s market environment, you are
constantly challenged
to find ways to both grow your
business and save costs.
And with the current market growth uncertainties,
saving costs is getting a lot of attention by everyone from Main Street to Wall Street
to inside the Beltway. HP has invented a solution that will get you on the road to
saving money and set you up to grow revenue streams once the economy turns
around. That solution is HP’s Virtual Arrays.
It may sound complicated at first, but HP’s Virtual Arrays are simply just another
automated advancement. They free your organization from the many manual
functions required by the current vintage of arrays on the market today. Just as
automated printing machines revolutionized the publishing industry in the last
century, HP revolutionized the personal and corporate printing industry with its
industry-leading LaserJet printers. Now, HP’s Virtual Arrays are revolutionizing the
storage industry, creating industry-leading storage solutions that save your
organization 2x in operating costs over the current set of arrays on today’s market.
HP’s Virtual Arrays are automated to maximize
your operating efficiencies
and maximize your return
on investment.
They are automated to save you money.
The following customer quotes and two articles explain
how HP’s Virtual Arrays deliver on this money-saving
promise. Read them for the details or have your trusted
IT professionals do this for you. Just remember that HP’s
Virtual Arrays are the only automated arrays on the
market today that offer you these cost-saving features at
a mid-range price.
Can you think of even one profitable publishing house that
has not fully adopted automated publishing equipment?
Can you think of any successful organization that has not
adopted laser printing? The same will be said for HP’s
Virtual Arrays. Capture these savings today.