HP (Hewlett-Packard) 400 Printer User Manual

2-4 Installation and Configuration
Centronics Parallel Pinout Information
Figure 2-2. Centronics Parallel Interface Connector
1. Active low.
Table 2-2. Centronics Parallel Interface Pinout Information
Number Pin ID Description
1 Strobe
A low pulse causes the printer to read one byte of data.
2 - 9 Data 0 - Data 7 These pins are the data lines. Data 0 is the least significant bit (LSB).
10 Acknowledge
The printer sends a low pulse to indicate that it has accepted a byte of data and is ready
for more data.
11 Busy The printer sends a high logic level to indicate to the computer that it cannot receive data
due to data entry, a full buffer, or error status.
12 Paper Error The printer sends a high logic level to indicate to the computer that it is out of paper.
13 Ready The printer sends a high logic level to indicate to the computer that it is in an online
condition. The printer sends a low logic level to indicate that it is offline or that the input
buffer is full.
16 Signal Ground Signal interface ground.
17 Chassis Ground Chassis ground.
18 +5 V The printer outputs a +5 volt high logic level through a 2.2K ohm resistor.
19 - 30 Ground These pins are tied to signal ground.
31 Reset/Input Clear
A low pulse sent by the computer resets the printer and clears the print buffer. The reset
occurs on the trailing edge of the pulse.
32 Error
The printer sends a low logic level to the computer to indicate that it is in an error state.
36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19
Strobe (STR)
Data 0
Data 2
Data 3
Data 4
Data 5
Data 6
Data 7
Data 1
Acknowledge (ACK)
Paper Error (PE)
Signal Ground
Chassis Ground
Error (ERR)
Reset/Input Clear