Index 80
access panel 13
acoustics statement for Germany 64
ACU (Array Configuration Utility) 46, 53
Advanced ECC memory 31, 32, 52
Array Configuration Utility (ACU) 53
ASR (Automatic Server Recovery) 55
authorized reseller 69
auto-configuration process 51
Automatic Server Recovery (ASR) 55
Basic Input/Output System (BIOS) 46, 54
batteries, replacing 58, 64
battery 8, 58, 64
battery replacement notice 64
beep codes 45
before you contact HP 69
BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) 46, 54
BIOS upgrade 46, 54
blade blank 20
boot options 52
Brazilian notice 65
BSMI notice 62
buttons 6
cables 42, 43, 60
cables, FCC compliance 60
cabling 42
Canadian notice 60, 65
Care Pack 57
Change Control 57
Chinese notice 63
class A equipment 59
class B equipment 59
compatibility 46
compliance 59
components 6
components, identification 6
configuration of system 21, 46
connecting to the network 19
connectors 6
contact information 69
contacting HP 69
CSR (customer self repair) 69
customer self repair (CSR) 69
Declaration of Conformity 60
default settings 31
device mapping 18
diagnosing problems 45
diagnostic tools 46, 49, 54, 55
diagnostics utility 49
DIMM identification 30
DIMM installation guidelines 32
DIMM population guidelines 32
DIMM slot locations 8, 9
DIMM slots 32
DIMM tool 10, 33
DIMMs 8, 9, 29, 33
DIMMs, dual-rank 29
DIMMs, installation 33
DIMMs, quad-rank 29
DIMMs, single- and dual-rank 29
disposal, battery 61, 64
disposal, waste 61
documentation 79
documentation feedback
drive bays 6
drive cage, removing 13
drivers 55
drives 7, 22
electrostatic discharge 67
enclosure connector 8
environmental specifications 68
Erase Utility 46, 49
error messages 45
European Union notice 61
external cables 43