
5 Conclusions
This keyboard has been accepted quite well with the novice users who have never used Devnagari keyboard before.
In our small sessions of user studies they all seem to be satisfied and were able to achieve a speed of 10-12 syllables
per minute. Also after a dedicated usage of an hour everyday for 2-3 days they were able to go up to 25-30 syllables
per minute.
The keyboard has a high satisfaction factor associated with it because writing with pen on paper (in our case the
keyboard) is very intuitive, powerful and efficient. It aptly exhibits the same characteristics of simplicity,
naturalness and straightforwardness like handwriting.
6 Future Directions and discussions
We are currently planning to do a constrained usability study to measure the efficiency of the gesture keyboard
against the other “standard” Devnagari input mechanism namely Inscript keyboard with novice as well as expert
users. The aim of this proposed study is to see whether the satisfaction ratings change with these different user
groups and also to compare the words per minute that we are able to achieve with this keyboard.
We are also studying various layouts (Varnmala, frequency and common letter-pair) using paper mock-ups and
analyzing which one suits the mental model of the users the best. User studies are also underway to determine which
layout is the fastest to learn and reduces the pen travel while writing.
7 Acknowledgements
The authors would like to thank Dr. Shekhar Borgaonkar, Dr. Sriganesh Madhvanath, and Dr. Girish Prabhu for
their valuable inputs and support during the project.
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