HP (Hewlett-Packard) C Printer User Manual

LEFT BACK PANEL The left side of the Back Open the Rear Access Door and ensure
OUT Panel has not been that the left side of the panel is
inserted properly. properly installed.
RIGHT BACK The right side of the Open the Rear Access Door and ensure
PANEL OUT Back Panel has not that the right side of the panel is
been inserted properly. properly installed.
TRAY 2 PAPER One of the Paper Guides Insert the missing Paper Guide back into
GUIDE REMOVED in Tray 2 has been removed. Tray 2.
TRAY 3 OPEN OR Tray 3 is either open or one Ensure that both the Paper Guides are
GUIDE REMOVED of its Paper Guides has properly installed and that Tray 3
been removed. is inserted into the printer.
TRAY 1 LOAD You have chosen to print Load the paper type and size as
[TYPE] [SIZE] from Tray 1 or the media specified in the LCD panel and press
you have selected differs to continue printing. You may
from those in Trays 2 and 3. set the printer to print with existing
media in Tray 2 or Tray 3 by either
pressing [Value] or without loading
media in Tray 1.
MNL FEED LOAD You have chosen to print Load the paper type and size as
[TYPE] [SIZE] through the Rear Manual specified in the LCD panel into the
Feed. Rear Manual Feed located at the back
of the printer and press to continue
TRAY [NUMBER] The specified tray is empty. Load the paper size and type which
EMPTY, LOAD & this tray has been set up for. If you
PRESS wish to change the paper size setting of
this tray, please
refer to section on Load
USE [TYPE] The media you have chosen Press to print or [Value] to select
[SIZE] INSTEAD? differs from those in Trays 2 other options.
and 3 and you have either
pressed [Value] or without
loading media in Tray 1.
PRESS TO To continue your present
CONTINUE task, press the button.
MEDIA IN TRAY 1, The media in Tray 1 may Remove the media in Tray 1 and press
REMOVE not be the type or size the button toresume printing.
that is specified in your
current print job. If you wish to print through Tray 1, set
your print setting to pick from Tray 1
and send the print job before putting
media in Tray 1.