HP (Hewlett-Packard) JG221A Switch User Manual

1 -rw- 1218 Feb 16 2006 11:46:19 config.cfg
2 drw- - Feb 16 2006 15:20:27 test
3 -rw- 184108 Feb 16 2006 15:30:20 aaa.bin
14986 KB total (2521 KB free)
# Create a new folder mytest in the test directory.
<Sysname> cd test
<Sysname> mkdir mytest
%Created dir flash:/test/mytest.
# Display the current working directory.
<Sysname> pwd
# Display the files and the subdirectories in the test directory.
<Sysname> dir
Directory of flash:/test/
0 drw- - Feb 16 2006 15:28:14 mytest
14986 KB total (2519 KB free)
# Return to the upper directory.
<Sysname> cd ..
# Display the current working directory.
<Sysname> pwd