2 Internet PS/2 Multimedia Keyboard
Filename: m3adfkb.doc Title: Self-cover booklet [6.25 x 7.75]
Template: HP-Print2K.dot Author: JimL Last Saved By: JimL
Revision #: 9 Page: 2 of 20 Printed: 06/04/03 02:30 PM
Installing the Multimedia
Keyboard Software
You need to install the Microsoft Windows XP
keyboard software solution CD in order to have
the Special Buttons functional.
To install the Multimedia Keyboard software:
1 Insert the Microsoft Windows XP keyboard
software solution CD into a CD-ROM or
DVD-ROM drive.
Skip to step 5 if the program automatically
If the program does not start automatically,
continue with step 2.
2 Click Start on the taskbar.
3 Click My Computer.
4 Double-click on the CD-ROM or DVD-ROM
drive in which you inserted the Microsoft
Windows XP keyboard software solution CD.
5 Click Yes to begin the installation.
6 When the installation is complete, click
7 Remove the CD.
8 Click Yes to restart the computer.