2. Select a language.
3. Read and accept the End User Licence Agreement.
4. Decide whether this machine will be the Backup Server or a client of the Backup Domain and
select the appropriate radio button.
If this is the Backup Domain, click the Next button.
If this is a client, enter the hostname or IP addess of the Backup Server already installed a nd click
the Next button.
Optionally, you may change location of the install folder prior to leaving the page.
5. Installation will proceed. Progress is reported on the screen. On the Ba ckup Server, once installation
is complete the Administrator will launch automatically. You may see a flashing red Alert button in
the bottom right corner of the Administrator. If you do, see Licenses to install a license key. Or you
an continue to use the product in evaluation mode.
Yo u do not have to uninstall Data P rotector Express before upgrading to a newer version. Howeve r, the
previous version of Data Protector Express and the previous catalog will be updated to the new format,
and will no longer be available in the old format.
To upgrade Data Protector Expr ess:
1. Launch the installer.
2. Select Upgrade Data Protector Express.
3. Read and accept the End User Licence Agreement.
4. Installation will proceed. Progress is reported on the screen. Onc e complete the Administrator will
launch automatically.
To remove Data Protector Express:
1. Launch the Data Protector Express installer.
2. Select Remove Data Protector Express.
3. If you want to retain your catalog or your data backed up to disk, deselect the appropriate
checkboxes before clicking the Next button. If you leave these items intact they can be reused in a
different installation.
4. Confirm that you want to remove Data Protector Express.
5. Data Protector Express will be removed from your system. Any filesthatcannotberemovedduring
the uninstall process will be removed during the next reboot. You do not ne ed to reboot immediately.
Installing Data Protector Express