Adaptable Modular Storage Models AMS200 and AMS500
esigned for small-to-midsize organizations that require enterprise-quality
storage management capabilities,the Adaptable Modular Storage models
AMS200 and AMS500 offer excellent cost-efficient platforms in a modular
footprint.With support for both SATA and Fibre Channel drives,these systems
can be deployed as part of a tiered infrastructure,in a SAN,or even as tiered
storage ”in a box.”
icrosoft Simple SAN storage platforms.
ort Microsoft Windows
vers seamlessly using Plug-and-play SAN Kits from Hitachi Data
ystems,which are compatible with Microsoft Simple SAN.
Scalability and Performance. Provide unequalled application-specific
erformance and capacity that scales beyond 173TB.
Consolidation. Reduce the number of storage systems,maximize
orage utilization,improve storage administrators’productivity,
and lower management and environmental costs.
Application Quality of Service (QoS). Dedicate cache to specific
applications and volumes to enhance performance.
Tiered Storage Deployment. Benefit from the economy of solutions
that match application requirements and value of data to the right
class of storage.
Configuration Flexibility. Host virtually any workload and multiple perform-
ance and archive requirements on the most economical storage system
with SATA and Fibre Channel intermix;use also for disk-to-disk backup
and tape replacement.
Ease of Management. Simplify configuration and storage administration
via easy-to-use graphical user interfaces.
High Availability and Reliability. Leverage RAID-6 dual-parity striping for
more reliable rebuild in the rare event of a disk drive failure;maximize
uptime with redundant hot-pluggable components and high-reliability
Hitachi SATA implementation.
Business Continuity. Leverage in-system and remote replication (AMS500
only) backup software to shrink backup windows and expedite recovery
from application failures.
Lower TCO. Maximize storage utilization,centralize management of stor-
age through consolidation,improve storage administrators’productivity,
and reduce downtime.
Workgroup Modular Storage Model WMS100
Offering excellent scalability and performance,Workgroup Modular Storage
model WMS100 leverages cost-effective SATA drives without compromising
reliability and data integrity.The WMS100 can be quickly installed and config-
ured to serve as a core storage system or for fast SAN deployment in small
organizations or workgroups,or for data archive applications in tiered storage
deployments at larger enterprises.
Microsoft Simple SAN storage platforms. Support Microsoft Windows
servers seamlessly using Plug-and-play SAN Kits from Hitachi Data
Systems,which are compatible with Microsoft Simple SAN.
Scalability and Performance. Provide excellent performance and
scalability beyond 40TB in a highly cost-effective SATA-based package
for small companies.
e the numb
er of storage systems,maximize
storage utilization,improve storage administrators’productivity,and
lower management costs.