Setup Terminal Emulation Parameters
Before you make a host connection, you will, at a minimum, need to know:
l the alias name or IP address (Host Address) and
l the port number (Telnet Port) of the host system to properly set up your host session.
1. Make sure the mobile client network settings are configured and functional. If you are connecting over wireless LAN
(802.11x), make sure your mobile client is communicating with the Access Point.
2. From Start > Program, run RFTerm or tap the RFTerm icon on the desktop.
3. Select Session > Configure from the application menu and select the "host type" that you require. This will depend on
the type of host system that you are going to connect to; i.e., 3270 mainframe, AS/400 5250 server or VT host.
4. Enter the "Host Address" of the host system that you wish to connect to. This may either be a DNS name or an IP
address of the host system.
5. Update the telnet port number, if your host application is configured to listen on a specific port. If not, just use the
default telnet port.
6. Select OK.
7. Select Session > Connect from the application menu or tap the "Connect" button on the Tool Bar. Upon a successful
connection, you should see the host application screen displayed.
To change options such as Display, Colors, Cursor, Bar Code, etc., please refer to these sections in the RFTerm Reference
Guide for complete descriptions of these and other features.