Choke Lever
Ignition Switch
Flow Selector
Throttle Control
STOP – Kills the engine – no power to any of the
electrical devices.
RUN – Run position for the engine. Please note that the hour
meter will collect time whether or not the engine is running. If
the key is left in the RUN position the battery will also loose
power more quickly.
START – Turns the engine starter motor.
The engine has a very accurate electronic throttle and
governing system. The engine speed is strictly controlled
electronically and you cannot make any simple mechanical
adjustments to the governing system. The electronic control
will accurately hold the speeds as indicated below.
The throttle control switch allows you to select one of two
different operating throttle control modes:
1. Automatic throttle control switch in the OFF position.
- During the starting procedure the engine will run at
2100 RPM for 5 seconds.
- After 5 seconds the engine speed will increase to
3100 RPM and hold that speed.
2. Automatic throttle control switch in the ON position.
- During the starting procedure the engine will run at 2100
RPM for 5 seconds.
- After 5 seconds the idle speed will drop to 1900 RPM.
- When the trigger on a tool is activated a pressure
sensor switch on the power pack will increase the
engine speed to 3100 RPM.
- When the tool is no longer used the engine speed will
drop back to 1900 RPM after 5 seconds.
There is a slight delay for the engine to go from idle speed to
full throttle operation. To help prevent this inconvenience, the
full throttle position is maintained for 5 seconds. This is
particularly helpful when a tool is operated intermittently
(Hydraulic Breaker for example) and full power is required
If desired, full throttle operation can be maintained by moving
the Automatic throttle control switch to the OFF position.
The sensitivity of the automatic throttle control system can
be adjusted to compensate for conditions such as increased
back pressure from adding hose extensions, operation at lower
temperatures, oil viscosity differences, etc.
page 13.
To adjust the oil fl ow PULL out on the fl ow selector knob and
move it to the left for the desired oil fl ow. Please consult the
operator’s manual for fl ow requirements of a specifi c tool.
Do not use a higher than recommend setting since that can
damage the tool.
After the work is fi nished ALWAYS return the fl ow selector to
“0” before stopping the engine.
Always start the engine with the fl ow selector in the “0”
position. This ensures that the electric starter can turn over
the engine.
This power pack is capable of producing up to 40 liter/ 10 gal
of oil fl ow per min. The factory pressure relief valve setting is
148bar (2150psi) “cracking” pressure.