© Copyright IBM Corporation 2009
IBM Retail Store Solutions
P.O. Box 12195, 3039 Cornwallis Road
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
Produced in the United States of America
March 2009
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IBM assumes no responsibility or liability
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Nothing in this document shall operate as an
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References in this publication to IBM products
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Other product, company or service names may
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Indicates rated speed. Actual print speed
depends on user-specific configuration of
interface, application, operating system and
MB equals one million bytes when referring to
storage capacity; accessibility may be less.
To learn more about IBM Asset Recovery
Solutions, please visit:
All limited warranty terms are for one year. For a
copy of the terms and conditions of IBM’s
statement of limited warranty, contact your
IBM representative or reseller.
Systems with limited on-site service are
designed to be repaired during the applicable
warranty period primarily with IBM supplied
replacement parts, installed by trained
IBM service technicians at the customer’s
location. IBM will only send a technician on-site
to perform a repair if (a) the remote telephone
diagnosis and/or customer part replacement
is/are unable to resolve the problem, or (b) the
part is one of the few designated by IBM for
customer replacement. For a list of customer
replaceable parts, contact IBM. Support
unrelated to a warranty issue may be subject to
additional charges.
IBM now offers branded paper supplies. For
more information, please contact your IBM sales
Epson emulation mode supports direct
communication with the printer using the
Epson ESC POS™ command set for printers
connected via RS-232 interface. Epson
emulation is not supported in driver
Please visit the IBM support Web site at
ibm.com/support to obtain the latest
compatibility data for operating systems,
interfaces and IBM hardware.
Some printer functions may not be supported
by all combinations of operating systems and
drivers. Model 1NR has a “compatibility” mode
that enables some, not all, features of the
product reusing existing drivers in each
operating system environment. See User Guide
for more detail.
* The energy consumption efficiency is the value
of the power consumption measured in
accordance with the measuring method
specified by the Japan energy saving law
divided by the Composite Theoretical
Performance specified by the energy saving law.