IBM 6400 Printer User Manual

Infoprint Hi-Lite Color Enhanced Supplies
Part No. Description Yield
1402847 Yellow Ink 2,340,000 x 60
1402850 Dark Green Ink 2,340,000 x 60
1402851 Magenta Ink 2,340,000 x 60
1402853 Light Green Ink 2,340,000 x 60
1402854 Warm Red Ink 2,340,000 x 60
1402855 Violet Ink 2,340,000 x 60
1402856 Black Ink 2,340,000 x 60
1402857 Cyan Ink 2,340,000 x 60
1402858 Orange Ink 2,340,000 x 60
1402860 Maroon Ink 2,340,000 x 60
1402862 Bright Red Ink 2,340,000 x 60
1402863 Deep Blue Ink 2,340,000 x 60
IBM Enterprise Color Supplies For more information visit:
IBM 3170, InfoColor 70 and Infoprint Color 100 Supplies
Part No. Description Yield
1402813 Version 2 Toner, Black 13,700 x 6
1402814 Version 2 Toner, Cyan 13,700 x 6
1402815 Version 2 Toner, Magenta 13,700 x 6
1402816 Version 2 Toner, Yellow 13,700 x 6
1402721 Splicing Tape N/A
1402761 Toner Waste Bottle N/A
Infoprint Color 100, Infoprint Color 130, and
Infoprint Color 130 Plus Supplies
Part No. Description Yield
69G7300 Version 3 Toner, Black 13,700 to 15,000 x 6
69G7301 Version 3 Toner, Cyan 13,700 to 15,000 x 6
69G7302 Version 3 Toner, Magenta 13,700 to 15,000 x 6
69G7303 Version 3 Toner, Yellow 13,700 to 15,000 x 6
01P6155 Version 3 Developer Mix, Cyan 150,000 x 2
01P6156 Version 3 Developer Mix, Magenta 150,000 x 2
01P6157 Version 3 Developer Mix, Yellow 150,000 x 2
01P6158 Version 3 Developer Mix, Black 150,000 x 2
11L5804 Standard Wide Drum 140,000 to 210,000
11L5805 Encoded Wide Drum 140,000 to 210,000
Enterprise Color Supplies
Whether you’re printing hi-lite color
or full color, IBM supplies provide
vivid, high quality color. Recently, IBM
introduced the next generation of
supplies for the Infoprint Color 100,
130 and 130 Plus. IBM Version 3
toner and developer mix enable users
to benefit from improved print quality
and enhanced process stability.
Image is everything...insist on genuine
IBM supplies.