Chapter 3 - FTP Commands List of Commands
FTP Adapter Reference Guide
user An optional user name. Some schemes such as FTP allow the
specification of a user name.
password An optional password. If present, it follows the user name, separated
by a colon. The user name and password are followed by an at-sign
@). Within the user and password field, any :, @, or / characters
must be encoded.
The URL does not need to be completely URL-encoded. You only need to use
escape characters for tokens specifically used in an FTP URL as shown in the
following table. Any FTP URL that contains spaces must be enclosed in quotes; for
-FIREWALL FTP://Home Machine/FTP Files
Tokens Replaced with
% (percent) %25
@ (at) %40
/ (forward slash) %2F
: (colon) %3A
; (semicolon) %3B
& (ampersand) Escape not needed, use as is
# (pound) Escape not needed, use as is
8-bit or control characters Escape not needed, use as is