I-Data ReRouter Network Router User Manual

Configuration of AS/400 Networks
ida ReRouter
6.4 Sample Controller Definition
Controller description.................. * IDATA1
Option.......................................... * BASIC
Category of controller.................. * APPC
Link type...................................... * LAN
Online at IPL................................ * NO
Active switched line..................... TRNLINE
Character code............................ * EBCDIC
Maximum frame size.................... *LINKTYPE
Remote network identifier............ DKIDTN01
Remote control point.................... IDATA1
Initial connection.......................... * DIAL
Dial initiation................................ * LINKTYPE
Switched disconnect.................... *YES
Data link role............................... * NEG
LAN remote adapter address...... 40005A0000CE
Option.......................................... * BASIC
Category of controllers................ * APPC
LAN DSAP.................................. * 04
LAN SSAP.................................. * 04
Text.............................................. * AUTOMATICALLY CREATED BY
Chapter 7: "Workstation Configuration" provides AS/400
configuration worksheets for the remote devices -
ida 913-03 Token Ring and ida PrintServer 13.